
We've been doing drawing for a couple of weeks now, and I quite enjoy it, maybe because I'm in my element or something.

We made little "creatures" from bits of rubbish, and drew them in different positions on paper. I also included the shadows in mine, which I found interesting.

We also explored shading and textures in drawings, and using these things to express qualities in objects as opposed to line-based drawings.

It served as an interesting antithesis to the continuous line drawings, where the colour and the shape was used instead to represent the object.

For the shading and texture based drawings, we had to bring in our own objects. I brought in an american football, a harmonica, a pair of goggles, a watch and a flute.

The american football was my favourite object to draw, because it had the most interesting texture. I liked using my fingers to help create the texture, though this was partially lost because I didn't fix it before taking it home (note to self - bring fixative)

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